Fly Fishing for Trout

Scott Kulzer is Fly fishing for brown trout in a small river in western Wisconsin before the thaw. He caught dozens of these beautiful trout that day. I’m new to Fly Fishing, Scott is teaching me the ways. In the future, I’ll have Scott on here explaining how to tie some flies for catching these […]

The Best Kept Secret on the Ice

I’m letting you in on an amazing ice fishing secret. The North Suburban chapter of the Optimists Club International, a club dedicated for raising money for youth programs, holds an annual ice fishing tournament in Clearwater Minnesota at the Eagle Trace Golf Course. A golf course you ask? Yes, a golf course. A large pond […]

Salmon Fishing on Lake Michigan

To catch a big-water fish like salmon, you need to get to big water. In the Northland there are tons of lakes, with a ton of big fish, but hitting the deep, cold waters of the great lakes is the best way to catch a monster salmon in the summer time. They tend to be […]